Wellspring Kids Ministry is rooted in the prayer of Paul from his letter to the Ephesians:
From the Father every family in heaven and on earth gets its name. I pray that he will use his glorious riches to make you strong. May his Holy Spirit give you his power deep down inside you. Then Christ will live in your hearts because you believe in him. And I pray that your love will have deep roots. I pray that it will have a strong foundation. May you have power together with all the Lord’s holy people to understand Christ’s love. May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is. And may you know his love, even though it can’t be known completely. Then you will be filled with everything God has for you. Ephesians 3:15-19 New International Readers Version.
Our vision is to give kids a strong biblical foundation to understand that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One and that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
We use a combination of curriculum written in house and various children’s bibles and curricula to engage the Bible as a unified story that leads to redemption through the life and sacrifice of Jesus.
Pulling inspiration from the mandate to “taste and see that the Lord is Good,” our lessons are filled with sensory play ranging from learning about how God formed Adam from the clay by making homemade playdough and sculpting humans, to learning about the need for Sabbath rest by doing a silly high intensity interval workout. Each 4-6 weeks we focus on a new theme and have an age based memory verse as well as crafts, object lessons and stories for that theme.