"...For my House will be called a House of Prayer for all nations."
Isaiah 56:7

We’d love to pray with you. Our trained prayer partners are available to pray with you every Sunday during response time at both of our services. Psalm 34:15 says “the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer.” God hears our prayers and longs to make His heart and His will known in every part of our lives. Come and receive.
If you can’t make it on Sunday, you can submit a prayer request, and our team will gladly pray for you during the week.

We gather on Wednesdays to hold sacred space in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day, in the midst of busy NYC life to host the presence of God and encounter Him together through prayer and worship in the welcome presence of the Holy Spirit. Will you join us? The Renew Queens space is open from 12-1pm on Wednesdays. We hope to see you there!
47-20 11th Street
Long Island City, NY 11101

Everything we do flows from communion with God in prayer. Choosing to set apart time to pray and be in the presence of God gives us a way to anchor and align our hearts with the heart of God. Praying 3 times a day, morning, midday, and evening creates space for God to take His rightful place in the center of our lives, and will empower you to walk in step with the Spirit from a place of tender-hearted dedication.
Our Daily Prayer Rhythm consists of three daily prayers inspired by the way Jesus prayed, and is modeled after the practices of the early church. You can pray each prayer in as little as 30 seconds or as long as an hour. Use the helpful guides below to get started.

This Spring, leading up to Easter Sunday, we are entering into another week of nonstop prayer. Our community center, Renew Queens, is going to be transformed into a creative and interactive prayer space. We are committing ourselves to pray around the clock, 24 hours per day, for 7 days straight!
You are invited to sign up for 1 hour prayer shifts throughout the day and night. You can come alone, or you can bring a friend or a group of friends to pray together. During your selected hours you will go to the prayer space and carry on the chain of unending prayer.
Dates: SPRING 2025 & FALL 2025

Tell us more! If you’re interested in joining our prayer team, please fill out the interest form linked below.

Join us as we come together for a neighborhood prayer walk the first Sunday of every month! Let's walk through our streets, lifting up our prayers for our neighbors, our city, and local businesses. This is a special opportunity to connect with one another and invite God's presence into the places we call home.
We'll begin in the church lobby following the second service, where we'll gather for a brief time of prayer before setting out together. From there, we'll walk through key areas of our community, stopping at various points to pray as the Spirit leads.
Kids are more than welcome to join us on the prayer walk. We'll keep the pace family-friendly, so feel free to bring your little ones along.