Kirby’s Story
We were getting ready for the Christmas holidays. My mom and I texted a lot. It was a Tuesday and [she said] whatever you guys want to do [I’m down for].
Three days later, we texted her about going over [her house]. She didn’t respond, which wasn’t unusual. Sometimes she’s busy. Sometimes she’s in the shower.
The next day, Saturday, my wife texted her a few things to help us with grocery shopping. And again, she didn’t respond. On Sunday we went to church. Sunday night at dinner, my wife reminded me, “your mom hasn’t been responding. It’s been a couple days.”
I was like, hmm that is interesting. And I said, “you know what? I'm going to head over to our place just to check.”
So I drove over to her house. Got to my mom’s place. Rounded the corner and saw the lights were on. And the screen door was propped open by Amazon packages. And I knew right there something had happened. Because it's not like her to leave Amazon packages in the evening out on the patio.
Open the door to the apartment and called out for her. No response.
Rounded the corner of the hall and saw her on the kitchen floor. I think she passed while she was in the midst of making dinner or whatever it might have been. And, you know, from the. looks of things she had passed for probably a few days.